"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney
Brainstorming (on a digital wall students read some quotations about dreams and add theirs from the web)
Wordwalls (students create wordwalls using keywords related to dreams)
This I believe (students listen to a child talking about what he believes in and then they write about their beliefs on a digital board)
Have you ever dreamt of ...? (on a digital wall students write about what they have dreamt of doing or being)
You have just dreamt of ..., haven't you? (on a digital wall students practice question tags about dreams)
In the future ... will ... 10 predictions about the future (after reading an interesting article online, students make a list of 10 predictions about the future on a digital board)
Dreamers (after reading about and working on great dreamers from the world, students prepare digital works about them providing their personal opinions)
If I were ... I would ... (on a digital wall and through digital presentations students imagine what they would do if they were something else)
If only I could ... (on a digital wall students talk about their desires and great dreams)
New Year's Resolutions (on a digital wall students talk about their New Year's Resolutions)
Reporting dreams (students practice direct/indirect speech reporting their dreams in a story created all together)
Dreaming of a safe environment (students and teacher write a newspaper for making people aware of the necessity of defending our planet)
Dreams poems (students prepare digital poems about their dreams using the forum on the Twinspace together with the German and Romanian students)
Our dreams alphabet (students prepare a dreams alphabet after agreeing on one single word for each letter with their German and Romanian friends)
Our logo (students vote for the best logo for the project and add their ideas)
Above and Beyond (students and teacher watch a video about the importance of having different ideas and developing creativity to make dreams come true; then they express their ideas about the video)