"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney
Encouraging students to reach out to each other to solve problems and share knowledge not only builds collaboration skills, it leads to deeper learning and understanding.
What collaborative learning style empowers and enables is a student's resilience -- how do you look to your neighbor as a resource, how do you test your own theories, how do you understand if you're on the right track or the wrong track?
Collaborative learning teaches students that it's not just about content; it's about cultivating habits of mind that are the underpinnings of deeper scholarship.
Students learn to be more proactive; they learn how to depend on their peers.
A toolbox
We share ideas, materials, digital creativity on a digital board where we can upload, dowload, comment, vote, and change layout (according to the necessity). On the toolbox teacher uploads materials which are necessary for activities (flipped classroom) and students upload digital products after working together in team.
Teacher provides corrections, comments, further ideas, videos and links for a deep learning.
The Twinspace
We share ideas, materials, digital creativity on the Twinspace, the place for the eTwinning project members, the space where planned activities are developed. Both students and teachers can contribute depending on their access profile.
TwinSpace is a private space, which can only be accessed by people who have been given permission by the administrators. It is designed to include those people who are not registered in the eTwinning platform, which allows students, parents or teachers working in the project to see what is happening.