"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney
In this project students from a lower secondary school (from different countries - Italy, Germany, Romania - reflect on the importance of dreaming, of having objectives and goals to achieve to go on and start living rather than surviving. They can compare their dreams with other students' dreams and work collaboratively so as to broaden their horizon through cultural exchanges. They can imagine, dream, create, explore great dreamers' ideas and share opinions with students coming from a different country. They can work on predictions for the future, comparing their ideas. Finally, they can collect all digital works on the same website, thus voting for the best ones. They can share, create together, working on wordwalls so as to give life to a great social community dreaming of a better world.
LITERACY COMPETENCE - students can develop creative writing in their mother tongue which will be the basis for further games in the foreign language.
LANGUAGES COMPETENCE - English will be the main focus of all the activities: students will collaborate with their European colleagues using English.
DIGITAL COMPETENCE - through the creation of digital works.
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND LEARNING COMPETENCE - students will develop self-awareness by working with others.
CIVIC COMPETENCE - some ideas and concepts will be transversal: active citizenship, participation, involvement and building a sustainable future, democratic values and human rights
ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPETENCE - in planning and creating digital works in collaboration, students will develop creativity and the ability to plan and manage processes.
CULTURAL AWARENESS AND EXPRESSION COMPETENCE - Students will constantly exchange and share ideas, opinions and creations with peers from a different country.