2019-2020 ID
London 360°
A virtual tour
London 360 ° is a virtual tour that opens the doors of London's beauties and magic. It is a great collaborative work through which students have developed different skills. Click on the link below to visit London and, within the tours, click on the "back" button at the top left to return to the map and continue the tour.

World Pandemics
COVID-19 How to survive
A great collaborative work that involved 5 classes of the secondary school of our Institute: IA-IIIA-ID-IID-IIID. The boys produced an e-book on COVID-19 in English, explaining what it is, what the symptoms are, how to protect yourself, how to maintain a good mood. All accompanied by quarantine diaries, tips, games and much more.

USA Wonders
Visit the USA and play with us!
A collaborative project that involved pupils in classes III A and III D of secondary school. Imagining working in the digital marketing sector of a tour operator, the pupils had the task of enhancing the attractiveness of the United States of America through a digital product that was original and captivating.

2019-2020 IIID
Teens Today
An eTwinning project

In this project students reflect on adolescence as an age of transition, the importance of having good relationships as teens, the problems they have to face daily. Then they reflect upon the differences and similarities of being teenagers in different countries. They can compare their ideas, problems, opinions, dreams with other students' realities and work collaboratively so as to broaden their horizon through cultural exchanges. They can imagine, dream, create, explore great teenagers' ideas and share opinions with students coming from a different country. They can work on predictions for the future, comparing their ideas. Finally, they can collect all digital works on the same website. They can share, create together, working on wordwalls so as to give life to a great social community dreaming of a better world for the future teenagers.

2019-2020 IID
Legends and myths of my region
An eTwinning project

in this project students make logos, ebooks, videos, songs or dramas about legends or myths of their region together with students coming from different countries (Italia, Slovacchia, Ucraina, Georgia, Armenia and Bulgaria)

2019-2020 ID
Above and Beyond
The power of creativity
In this project students reflect on the importance of creativity, skills, collaboration, teamwork, being original and "different" ... in a collaborative and creative ebook;)

In my free time I like...
Games, wordwalls and acrostics about free time ...

2019-2020 ID

2018-2019 IIID
Teacher for a Day
Let's prepare our lessons
In this project students from a lower secondary school prepare interesting lessons for other students. They have to reflect on how difficult it is for teachers to find interesting topics and find or create appropariate materials for their students. After collecting information, they prepare a lesson including different steps: brainstorming, presentation, vocabulary activities, grammar activities and a task for their students. Finally, they collect all the materials on a digital board, thus voting for the best lesson.

2018-2019 IIID
European Dreams
An eTwinning project

In this project students from a lower secondary school reflect on the importance of dreaming, of having objectives and goals to achieve to go on and start living rather than surviving. They can compare their dreams with other students' dreams and work collaboratively so as to broaden their horizon through cultural exchanges. They can imagine, dream, create, explore great dreamers' ideas and share opinions with students coming from a different country. They can work on predictions for the future, comparing their ideas. Finally, they can collect all digital works on the same website, thus voting for the best ones. They can share, create together, working on wordwalls so as to give life to a great social community dreaming of a better world.

2018-2019 IIID
Save Environment Save Life
Let's Sing with Greta!
That of "Content Creation" always seems to be the best way motivation at school. Then, when Content Creation is flanked by several other teaching methods and strategies (E-Clil, Flipped Classroom, Webquest, Project Based Learning, Collaborative Learning), the results are brilliant.
Class III D has worked on a timeless topic, the safeguarding of environment. Starting from the "Sing for the Climate", the appeal of the Swedish Greta Thunberg that strikes the world against global warming, the boys gathered information on the problems caused to the environment by pollution. Working in groups, they created digital products (wordwalls, multimedia presentations, multimedia posters, interactive games, glossaries, slogan collections, videos) that were subsequently assembled into a single product.
Our students hope, like many others, to shake the environmental sensitivity of teenagers and adults around the world. The phenomena of the impending disaster are visible at almost all latitudes. Yet the rulers do not seem to be tormented by the disaster, the newspapers do not talk enough about the subject. Hence the "special edition of our newspaper".

2018-2019 IIIA
An interdisciplinary project

Estra, Italian multi-utility in the energy sector, in collaboration with Legambiente, in the context of its commitment to sustainability and environmental quality of the territory and the planet, presented the new edition of the free school project Energically Educational Learning Path. Dedicated to the classes of the last two years of the Primary School and of the three-year first-level Secondary School, it is characterized by an innovative digital approach aimed at raising awareness about energy saving and the rational use of energy in the home and technological innovations for the well-being of the environment.

2018-2019 IIA - IID
UK, Great Britain and British Isles
A less boring way of studying the UK

Students are very motivated when they become creators and authors of digital content. They have read about UK, Great Britain and British Isles on their textbooks completing all the comprehension activities. Then, divided into groups, they have created their own digital products (mindmaps and interactive images first, interactive games later) using the materials provided by the teacher or downloaded from the net. Finally, the teacher has put all this digital creativity together in a single digital product.

2017-2018 IIA
Fairy Telling
An eTwinning project
Students are very motivated when they become creators and authors of digital content. The basic idea of this project is that of a teachers’ team working on a common theme: fairy tales, fables, myths and short stories of the world. Our students are asked to produce different digital contents (all gathered in a website) in the different subjects, thus developing different skills: projecting, collaborating, communicating, learning to learn, digital skills, language skills, etc. In so doing, they exchange ideas and information with their e-friends from a different country.

2017-2018 IID
My town
Digital works for a great experience!

Our main objective was to talk about our own town and the city of London after studying town vocabulary and all the expressions necessary for asking for and providing directions. In so doing, we developed different competences together with the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2017-2018 IID
This I believe
A digital board with our beliefs
Our main objective was to talk about what we believe in. In so doing, we practiced the "should" linguistic structure together with the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2017-2018 ID
Digital Makers
A digital board for our E-Clil experience
Our main objective was to talk about ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in English. In so doing, we learned another content/subject (ICT) through the medium of a foreign language and we learned a foreign language by studying a content-based subject (ICT). First we introduced some basic concepts (surfing the Net, browsers, search engines, the cloud idea, web apps, signup and login, ...). Then we studied the main vocabulary. After that we created our own apps working online and using learningapps.org. Finally we described the creation process ("we register online to create an account - username and password -; we create the app by choosing a template; we make it public; we upload it on the digital board preparaed by our teacher").
Now we can use this space for working on grammar topics too. For example, we have just created some digital presentations about our favourite characters using "present simple" and "present continuous".
Moreover, we are ready to work on other subjects (emoticon and emoji, cyberbullying).

Christmas 2017

Christmas e-cards
Our main objective is wishing a Merry Christmas in a different way, in such a way that our friends and relatives can always view our wishes on their smartphone.
A toolbox prepared by our teacher
not only digital ...

2017-2018 IA ID IIA IID

A Christmas e-board
Our main objective is wishing a Merry Christmas in a different way, in such a way that our friends and relatives can always view our wishes on their smartphone.

A Christmas quiz

A Christmas poster

Christmas memories

BYOC - Bring Your Own Creativity
Our project is "Bring Your Own Creativity". Our teacher told us that it is important to keep our mind trained and develop creativity, along with what she calls "digital competence." She told us that we must build our knowledge, we must learn to think about what surrounds us and to have what she calls "a critical mind." This is why we read and collect information and then put them together according to our thought patterns and our personal way of learning that is not sequential and linear, but reticular and associative. And we are very good at composing and decomposing, building and sharing. And we like it;) Our prof uploads materials (which are multimedia and interactive) on her website and in our virtual classroom; we watch, read, reflect, discuss it in class and then we turn everything into a digital product ... always different !!! And we work both in class and at home ... but in a different and nice way ;)
Why "BYOC - Bring Your Own Creativity"? We took the acronym from BYOD - Bring Your Own Device ", a new teaching method (from Piano nazionale Scuola Digitale) which involves the use of personal electronic devices during the lesson. In fact, the idea is to work in the classroom both with the IWB (inteactive whiteboard) and with our personal devices: smartphones and tablets. We download the lesson, we display text, images, video and audio, take notes, use apps to create our products, we seek images, record or summarize the teacher's explanation, we take photos of what is on the blackboard. We learn to make a proper, conscious and fruitful use of these devices.

2016-2017 ID
if you want to know more >
We have created
Presentation boards
How we work

Let's meet on the web with Edmodo ;)
Thanks to Edmodo, we are in a virtual classroom where we can exchange resources, posts (like Facebook), we can upload and download materials, we can do tests, .... so ... we can study in a very friendly way.
2016-2017 IA ID
2017-2018 IIA - IID

enter the site

I A virtual classroom

gallery of resources

enter the site

2016-2017 IID
A bagless school
We don't use books during our lessons: through the Interactive White Board we access a variety of digital materials which are particularly interesting and motivating.
We enjoy creating teaching materials for other students, working collaboratively. You can watch our works in the "our products" section of this website.

London and its Beauties
London is a wonderful place to visit. That's why we have decided to create a short presentation of the city for you.
Here are the steps of our fantastic adventure. >>
Follow them with attention ;)
And then watch our London presentations ;)
Have a nice surfing !