For our spidergrams we use Popplet.
Popplet is a tool for the iPad and web to capture and organize our ideas.
In the classroom and at home, we use Popplet for learning. Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps us think and learn visually. We can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them.

En Français

For our boards we use Padlet.
Padlet is an Internet application that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.
Think of it like a multimedia friendly, free-form, real-time wiki.
En Français
La gastronomie de la France - II E
Je suis Raffaella - Raffaella I D
Je suis Federica - Federica F. I D

For our presentations we use Emaze.
Emaze is a web application that we use to create stunning presentations online. We simply choose one of the graphic templates to start creating amazing presentations. It's a Cloud-based software that allows us to access our presentations wherever we are.
presentations and infographics

For our interactive presentations and infographics we use Genial.ly, a web-based app that provides interactivity and animation. We choose a graphic template to start creating our products.

For our presentations we use Power Point.
It is a desktop application that we use to create presentations offline. We simply choose one of the graphic templates to start creating our products. We can add very nice transition and animation effects.

We use paper posters too. It's easy: we only need paper, crayons, and a lot of creativity ;)